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Spectrum Day Toronto
Hygiene Central

1 Day Event - Powered by Crest + Oral B

October 20, 2023


1 CE Point / Per Hour


Breakfast and Lunch for purchase

Location : Toronto Congress Centre, South Building  
650 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1J1

Date : October 20, 2023  /  8.00AM-4.00PM

Speakers and Topics

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Kerry Lepicek

9:00 am - 10:00 am 

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Jennifer Turner, RDH

10:00 am - 11:00 am 

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April Smith

11:30 am - 12:30 pm 

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Liisa Moore, RDH

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm 

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Anna Louise Tolan, RDH, FADIA

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 

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Elizabeth J. Ryerse, RDH

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm 


Joe Siegfried , RDH

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 

9:00am - 10:00am
Assessment is the Key to Building your Periodontal Toolbox

Kerry Lepicek, RDH


How many times have you started to “clean” your clients’ teeth and discovered severe bleeding, heavy biofilm, or worse a suspicious area on the buccal mucosa? Using the assessment phase as a guide will enable us to formulate a dental hygiene diagnosis, develop a treatment plan, select interventions, and evaluate our progress. In this presentation, Kerry will discuss the benefits of completing the assessment phase of ADPIE. An assessment involves the systematic collection, documentation, and analysis of data to identify oral health risks and client needs. During Kerry's lecture, she will explain what should be included and how this information can influence your clients' oral health. She will emphasize the critical role a complete medical history, periodontal exam, radiographs, and biofilm assessment play in your clients' oral health.  The assessment findings are used to develop an effective treatment plan for your periodontal toolbox. As dental hygienists, we have the power to motivate, enhance and elevate our client care and it all starts with a complete assessment!


Course Objectives: 

  • Learn how to communicate your assessment findings with your client effectively.

  • Acquire knowledge on appropriate assessment strategies, techniques, tools, and indices to collect and record relevant data.

  • Review oral health indices for the identification and monitoring of high-risk individuals.

  • Explore treatment options for your clients based on their assessment.


Kerry Lepicek, RDH is a registered dental hygienist with more than 20 years of clinical experience. She has worked in various practice settings and currently works part-time in general practice. As an international speaker, she has delivered lectures throughout Canada, the United States, and Bermuda.  Kerry is knowledgeable on the topics of oral biofilm, halitosis, the oral-systemic connection, and the dental hygiene process of care. Her primary focus is on educating her clients as well as the dental profession on periodontal health and wellness.   Kerry is a Key Opinion Leader for Crest + Oral B, OraVital, rdhu, and Voco.  In addition to being a section editor for The Hygiene Corner with Women In Dentistry, she serves on the Advisory Board of the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health and is a cast member of The RDH View.  She will provide you with practical advice that will transform your practice and the health of your clients.


10:00am - 11:00am
Understanding The Business of Dental Hygiene

Jennifer Turner, RDH



Dental hygienists will learn to set themselves up for success when they understand the details of the business of dental hygiene. We will analyze metrics, key performance indicators, Google Reviews, specific patient systems and why you should have a scorecard to track your own performance in practice. If you are looking for a raise this year, this is one course you do not want to miss!

Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze your own clinical performance with a step-by-step formula in a scorecard.
2. Learn the key elements to set yourself up for your next performance evaluation.
3. Incorporate systems to ensure optimal patient care is delivered and systems for the dental hygienist to demonstrate leadership and a business mindset.


Jen Turner, RDH has built her reputation in the dental hygiene world as a natural leader by her sheer professionalism, industry expertise and her ability to quickly connect with the audience. Jennifer is the North American winner of the 2023 “Educator of the Year”- (Speaker) award from She was globally recognized as one of the “10 Most Influential Healthcare Leaders to Watch in 2022”.


Jennifer is the Vice President, Dental Hygiene Operations at 123Dentist. Jennifer is a Past President and Chief Governance Officer with the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario, Director of Dental Hygiene Practice with the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association, KOL, and she is an award-winning Dental Hygiene Professor.


Jennifer has worked with hundreds of dental practices coaching teams with change management, implementation of clinical systems to enhance and elevate optimal patient care while achieving dental practice growth. Jennifer has been described as inspirational, knowledgeable, a dynamic speaker and has a true passion for the dental profession.



11:00am - 11:30am

AM Break-  Exhibit Hall

April Smith
11:30am - 12:30pm
Dental Unit Waterlines – What’s in your water?

April Smith​


This session will provide a comprehensive review of the 3 steps required for implementing and maintaining a successful dental unit waterline protocol.


All attendees will also receive information regarding water quality, biofilm formation, water treatment methods and appropriate maintenance protocols for water delivery systems.


DUWLs provide a critical element to nearly all dental procedures and it is essential to ensure that the water is safe for human consumption and that dental practices are in compliance with regulatory guidance.


Key Learning Objectives:

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Recall the recommended safe bacterial counts in Dental Unit Waterlines

  • Identify Dental Unit Waterline features that contribute to biofilm formation

  • Acknowledge contributing factors to biofilm growth

  • Confirm testing, maintenance and documentation protocols


April Smith has been educating and motivating dental clinicians for over 25 years. She is an Infection Control specialist with expertise in Dental Unit Waterline management. She has provided lectures to Ontario Public Health Units, The Canadian Institute for Public Health Inspectors, Regulatory and Membership Organizations, Study Clubs and Dental Distributors.

Her clear and concise delivery is well respected by Dentists, Denturists, Hygienists and Dental Assistants across Canada.


Her passion for the industry comes through in her ability to coach and guide clients through new learning experiences and her commitment to provide the most current and relevant information is always at the forefront of her presentations.


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12:30pm - 1:30pm

LUNCH -  Exhibit Hall

1:30pm - 2:00pm
Don’t Just Survive your day, Thrive in it.

Liisa Moore, RDH


Efficient Stretches any dental professional can incorporate into their daily routine to reduce strain and increase production.

Learning objectives:

  • What is repetitive strain injury and why are dental hygienists at risk?

  • What is the proper way to stretch?

  • Discover ways to incorporate stretching into your daily routine

  • Practice easy stretches that can be done daily to help alleviate pain and avoid injury


Liisa Moore, RDH, graduated from dental hygiene in 2006 from Canadore College.  After graduation, she returned to her hometown of Sudbury and began her dental hygiene career working for a local orthodontist.   Throughout her career, Liisa expanded her skills working as a temp in general practice, in an oral surgery office, as an educator, and even owned her own clinic.  While gaining valuable experience in other aspects of the field of dental hygiene, Liisa always kept her hands in orthodontics as this is her true passion.  She is an enthusiastic presenter and portfolio coach with rdhu, and a CDHO peer mentor.    Health and fitness have always been an important part of Liisa’s life. Outside of the operatory, she is a Certified Personal Trainer, Pilates instructor, and healthy eating and weight loss coach.  Liisa’s love for learning has her reading educational non-fiction books in her spare time and she always has a podcast or audiobook playing in her car on her commute to work or in her earbuds as she meal preps, does housework, or on her lunchtime walk. Although Liisa loves to travel, deep down she is a true homebody that enjoys spending time with her husband, 2 children, and her dog. 


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Liisa Moore
Anna Louise Tolan
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Connecting the Dots.
Remedial Instrumentation Maintenance

Anna Louise Tolan RDH, FADIA



Evidence-based treatment guidelines for periodontitis are well established. Initial instrumentation is a complex task, with many factors that can impact success: morphology, alignment, instrument choice, and time are just a few. We must continually assess the effectiveness of treatment by objectively examining outcomes and addressing limitations with no bleeding points as the ultimate goal. The challenge for clinicians is treating periodontal maintenance clients who have completed initial therapy but still have bleeding points. Implementing Remedial Instrumentation Maintenance (RIM) into your practice will improve client outcomes. 


Be empowered by the evidence of success at your client's next visit.


Learning objectives

  • Identify the potential causes of persistent inflammation and bleeding points.

  • Develop techniques for the detection and removal of burnished and residual calculus.


Implement client-centered Remedial Instrumentation Maintenance interventions to successfully impact disease


Anna Louise is a well-recognized master clinician and passionate educator who loves to pump up the profession. She shares the latest science, evidence-based treatment modalities, and expertise to help us enhance a practice. Her goal is to energize and empower dental hygienists to optimize the delivery of person-centred care to clients!



3:00pm - 3:30pm

PM Break - Exhibit Hall

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
What’s On Your Tray?

Elizabeth J. Ryerse, RDH



Elevate your clinical skills with an evidence-based approach to the contemporary use of ultrasonic instrumentation. View ultrasonic instrumentation as a “triple threat” to address all clinical needs of every patient while embracing the benefits of ultrasonic technology and the importance of appropriate insert/tip selection for What’s on Your Tray!  


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the need for a variety of ultrasonic inserts/tips according to patient presentation and clinical significance

  2. List the characteristics of ultrasonic inserts/tips that support an ultrasonic workflow

  3. Describe the benefits of monitoring inserts routinely for effective and efficient clinical outcomes


Elizabeth J. Ryerse, RDH, has been actively and meaningfully involved with the dental hygiene profession for many years.

Her passion for her career has led to a depth of experience and accumulated knowledge gained through, clinical experience, educating, lecturing, consulting, authorship, and mentoring.


She is the past elected CDHA Ontario Board Director and a previous Canadian Delegate to the International Federation of Dental Hygienists, a key opinion leader and a certified soft-tissue diode laser trainer.

Beth is an engaging, enthusiastic, dynamic professional educator who has fun when she interacts and takes joy in growing with her peers in their commitment to life-long learning.


4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Orofacial Myofunctional Treatment as an Adjunctive Oral Health Therapy

Joe Siegfried, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist



Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy sounds like it's just emerging in the oral health field but this therapy has been in our scope since  before the 1950s.  So why does it seem so prevalent now?


In this hour long talk we will be discussing some of the functional characteristics of the oral facial complex, their disfunction and the role they play in achieving better oral health outcomes.

  • Understand oral rest posture and it’s role in oral health and development

  • Learn to recognize possible orofacial myofunctional disorders 

  • Learn about myofunctional therapy’s role in Dental Sleep Therapy, Orthodontics and Periodontal health.

  • Learn screening tools to help clients find better health solutions 


Joe Siegfried, Embarking on a career in oral health in 2006, Joe is very proud of his accomplishments and the level of education he provides his clients and colleagues. Myofunctional Therapy became part of his practice  in 2016 and has become a passion in his daily practice. Joe believes that all RDH’s should identify as educators. At the forefront, we teach oral health. Joe is an advocate in letting each client become involved in their care and seeks out new ways to help them obtain and maintain healthy tissues and teeth.  He has spent countless hours researching sleep medicine, sleep dentistry and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. He is also proud to be an rdhu speaker and the creator of their myofunctional therapy curriculum.



Joe Siegfried

5:30pm - 7:00pm

Cocktail Reception with Entertainment

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